What's New In Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® — April 9th 9513

What's New In Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® — April 9th


Here are the latest changes in Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® for April 9th, 2024.

  • Manage pledges in the web view
  • Blackbaud AI Acknowledgements (for more of you)

Manage pledges in the web view

To build on Add pledge gifts in the web view, now you can manage pledges too! You can:

  • Add pledge payments from the pledge record, a constituent's record, Fundraising, or Home.

  • Edit a pledge schedule's future payments, including the installment amounts and date from the pledge record.

  • Add write-offs from the pledge record for constituents unable to fulfill their pledge commitments.

For more information, see Pledges.

Blackbaud AI Acknowledgements (for more of you)
Blackbaud AI Acknowledgements is a new tool that helps you create unique, personalized email donor acknowledgement messages in almost no time at all.

With AI Acknowledgements, you can:
  • Send a unique, personalized acknowledgement to each donor for each gift. No matter how many acknowledgements you send to a single donor, the message is different each time.
  • Set the tone, determine what types of gift information to include in the acknowledgement, and even how the message appears.
  • Create profiles to further customize the message your donors receive, ensuring that the content is tailored to reflect the specific donation amount, a specific campaign or fundraising event, or even for specific fundraisers.
  • Send the messages individually or process them in bulk.
  • Review copies of the acknowledgements, which are saved as an action on the constituent's record.

Access AI Acknowledgements from Fundraising, Gift acknowledgement.

For more information, see AI Acknowledgements and Get started with AI Acknowledgements.
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 04/09/2024 4:00pm EDT

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I was testing the AI Acknowledgements today and was pleasantly surprised. But I think there are a couple of misses that need to be addressed.

I was able to email an acknowledgement despite the record being marked as “Requests no email”. Obviously we need to communicate with donors about their transactions, but I do feel like it would have been helpful to see that information before sending the letter. Depending on how customers have been using that checkbox, there may be unintended consequences.

Similarly, I would like to be able to see solicit codes. Many people use a “do not email” or similar solicit codes for certain situations, and this could be important view ahead of time.

Given the above, I can also imagine scenarios where it would be helpful to have the ability to remove a gift from the list of Acknowledgements to Review.

Hi Karen, thanks for sharing this! These are great callouts and I am going to draft these points up for review with the team.

Can pledge payments be applied in a webview batch, or do customers using webview for gift batches still need to go to the database view to apply them?

The batch functionality is being worked on now. We are completely rebuilding the web view batch experience to mirror and expand on what is offered in database view. We will have this functionality in “new batch” once we get a bit further. I will be expanding on timelines during our product update briefing.
