BBIS Sponsorship Search Tips: Tribal Knowledge, Now Shared

As you may have noticed, there's a lot of goodness coming out in CRM and BBIS documentation lately. From Action Lists to Fixed Bug Lists and more, there's more information available than ever before that is making applying service packs and installing upgrades easier.

To add another layer of goodness onto this cake, we've been taking a look at some areas of the product that have some "tips and tricks" that are generally learned the hard way--that is, through trial and error or knowing the right person (who already went through it by trial and error!)

Beginning with the sponsorship search functionality within BBIS, with 4.0 SP2 we have released additional documention outlining best practices and recommendations in configuring your sponsorship search part within BBIS and the CRM query that drives the search results of that part to optimize your search performance.   This is one of the functions in BBIS that has configuration options that can make or break your online users' experience, and an area of the product that we see customers struggling with.

Like many of our built-in BBIS parts that use CRM data, the structure of that data and how much of it we are pulling (and how often) from CRM can affect page or part load times. With the new "Sponsorship Search: Performance Improvement Tips" available in both the Parts User Guide and within the product Help files, we have documented some things to think about when you are configuring your sponsorship search part as well as the underlying CRM query and data that can affect your page and part load time. This information previously was held as tribal knowledge. They were lessons learned by individuals in our engineering, support and services teams that was not commonly shared.

You can check out the entire entry on page 148 of the BBIS Parts Guide and in the Help Guides.

Are there other areas of BBIS or CRM that you would like to see documentation added for configuration recommendations? Add a comment below to share your suggestions!

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