AddressFinder Might Capitalize The Whole Address For Your Records

When updating all addresses with AddressFinder results in CRM 4.0 SP9 and above users may notice that the addresses that were only standardized (ie. no NCOA changes were identified for the address) are now in all caps even though this option wasn't marked in the Data Tune-Up Settings.

We are currently evaluating this issue and will update this Knowledgebase article with more details: 

In the meantime, follow these steps:
  1. Before Committing the AddressFinder results in Step 4, click Edit Properties
  2. Ensure that the option to Update all addresses isn't marked.
    Either of the other options won't update the addresses that were only standardized.  If your organization has Address Validation, you can standardized these addresses with that service without them being all capitalized.
If your organization has already committed your AddressFinder results and is experiencing this issue, running the addresses through Address Validation will properly case them.

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This issue is resolved as of 4/27/2017 and doesn't require any updates to be applied by clients.  Please resume using AddressFinder as usual. 

If your organization experienced this issue prior to the resolution, please review the following Knowledgebase article:
