Mailing Series Part 5: Missing Letters

What do I do when letters are missing for specific donors? I just ran my mailing and there are missing letters. What happened?

There are a few things that need to be in place in order for letters to be generated for donors. A helpful tip is to make sure that the gift we know should be acknowledged is opened, marked Not Acknowledged and available to look at while checking our parameters.

First, we will want to make sure that the donors are included in our mailing parameters which we set up in our first blog. This includes checking the filters and gift types tab. With the gift open, check to make sure all the campaigns, funds, appeals and any filters are set to be included. We will also want to check the gift types tab as well. If the gift is a pay-cash (payment towards a pledge) then this gift type must be included. On the gift types tab, we will also want to check the options at the bottom if needed.

Next, we will want to check the actual donor and make sure there is a valid address and they are set to receive mailings. On the donor record, open the address that is set to receive the letter. Select the More button and ensure that the checkbox is marked to Send Mail to this Address. An image about this is below:


If letters are still missing, be sure to take a look at article 43263. Happy mailing!


News Raiser's Edge® Blog 06/26/2015 6:00am EDT

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