Query Tips And Tricks 4405

Query Tips And Tricks

One of my customers once told me that query should be a 4-letter word. To be fair to them, it was a long time ago, in version 6. Queries can really help you locate a group of records, especially when you know what to use them for. Queries are not polished reports, rather they're a tool to ask the database a question, and get an answer.

I've compiled some tip and timesavers for users that have already learned the basics of query:

  • Summary fields operate with multiple gifts, actions, etc. These fields are found in constituent type queries. Unless you're looking to find specific gifts, actions, etc. these fields are really good to use to look for trends.
  • Does your query have a lot of criteria in it, and/or too complicated to test the results? Consider merging queries. This will simplify the criteria in the two source queries. Remember there are four types of merges: add, or, xor, sub. More details here. The final merged query will always be static (ie. not dynamic), no matter what the two source queries are.
  • Query lists are static (ie. not dynamic) and users can easily add/subtract one or many constituents to the list. This has all the goodness of query, without needing to alter the query criteria. Query lists can be used anywhere that a query can in Raiser's Edge: reports, exports, etc.
  • Bonus housekeeping note: keep your queries organized within the folder structure, and clean up old queries 1-2x per year (use the "Last Run" field on the main list of queries to help identify rarely used queries).

Want more tips? I'm leading an interactive webinar called 30-Minute Tips & Timesavers on February 21st at 1pm ET where you can learn more about etiquette tips from me and other Raiser's Edge users.
News Raiser's Edge® Blog 02/07/2018 12:03pm EST

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LIke the idea of cleaning up queries.  I think this is an area that not many people think about when they think of clutter in a database.
@Crystal thanks for tip!
Summary fields are one of my best friends in RE. One tip on query lists, if you are ever looking at a query list and wondering how it got to be the list that it is you can right click on the list grid then click on the change log option. The change log shows all the queries and records that were added or removed. I have used this a few times during triage situations, lol.  
Hi, I've posted the unanswered Q&A in the following location: https://community.blackbaud.com/events/item/2/1890
Great webinar.  Great presentation.  As always, could use more time.
Hi Sutji, thanks for reaching out. Do you happen to know the person that is noted on the registration form, or is it a complete stranger?

The form is showing my name when I attempt to register, so I wanted to check with you. Let me know.
I think there is something wrong with your webinar sign up form. It does not clear the form after each submission, instead the details of the last person who registered are retained on the form. 
