What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the Week of June 1 2367

What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the Week of June 1

This week, Raiser's Edge NXT updates with some nice enhancements to constituent contact information, actions, and lists!

61d7ebf1bf1a8be53242f7ccfbcd826f-huge-emManage a constituent's email addresses. To help keep contact information current, you can now select Edit email addresses under Constituent summary on a constituent's record to add and manage their email addresses. For each email address, you can indicate whether it's the constituent's Primary point of contact, one they ask you Do not email, or Inactive and no longer in use. For more information, see Email Addresses Help.

View actions from related records and lists. Last week, Raiser's Edge NXT released action records, one-stop shops for details about your tasks and interactions. When you open an action from a list or the record of its constituent or opportunity, it now appears in a panel rather than its own record so you can easily browse and work with multiple actions at once. To best fit your screen, you can adjust the size of the panel as necessary. To open the action's record, select View full record in the panel. For more information, check out the Action Records Help.

Overwrite saved lists and queries with new or updated lists. In Lists, you can save the records in a list as a static query or query list in the database view. To help prevent redundancy and unnecessary clean-up, you can now choose to overwrite a saved list or query when you save a list with its same name in Lists, such as one you update with additional filters or records. Previously, you couldn't save a list with the same name as another list or query. (And you still can't, if the existing query is used with another list or process in the database view.) For more information, see the Lists Help.

For more information about these features, or to catch up on previous releases, check out the What's New Help or What's Recent Help. Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 06/01/2016 2:52pm EDT

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