What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the week of July 20 265

What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the week of July 20


This week, Raiser's Edge NXT updates with powerful and smart new features to help you priortize relationships and decide where to focus your fundraising energies. In addtition, this week's update also includes some nice enhancements to help you manage lists of people and proposals.

Tags! To help focus on relationships that need your attention, Raiser's Edge NXT now automatically listens to your constituent records and tags them each night based on special situations, such as upcoming birthdays or lapsed giving. With these tags, you can prioritize interactions, easily identify who to engage with, and plan how to best cultivate each relationship.

You can now find these tags throughout Raiser's Edge NXT.
  • To view which situations apply to a specific constituent, refer to Tags on their record. 
  • To view which situtations apply to a list of constituents, such as in the Portfolio or Unassigned constituents list, include the new Tags column. With the new Tagged with filter, you can also include only those who have any tag, specific tags, or none at all.
  • To quickly view who in your portfolio — up to 25 relationships — has tags and recommended next steps for those situations, select Overview in Work Center (more on that below!) and refer to Needs attention. For a list of everyone tagged in your portfolio, select View all constituents with tags.
For more information about these tags and their recommended next steps, check out the Tags and Recommendations Help. (In the future, your organization will be able to customize these tags and recommendations to better align with its business processes.)

Work Center Overview! To gauge the performance of your fundraising efforts — at a glance — and help plan how to focus your energies, you can now select Overview in Work Center. Under Overview, you can quickly check (in addition to the aforementioned Needs attention):
  • How many relationships you manage, and how many of them are new assignments or lapsing
  • How many of your assigned actions are open, complete, or past due
  • Your progress toward personal goal amounts for campaigns, funds, or appeals
  • How many gifts you raised over the current fiscal year, and how many of them are new or past due
  • And more to come — such as proposals, with Prospect Research Management — in future updates
Under Overview, you can also view lists filtered based on these summaries, such as to manage all your past dues actions or newly assigned relationships. For more information, see the Fundraising Work Center Overview Help.

View custom fields in lists of constituents. To view specialized information your organization tracks about a list of constituents, such as interests, dietary preferences, or fundraising details from everydayhero, you can now include columns for custom fields (or "attributes" in the database view). To include custom fields in a list, select Choose columns, choose which details to view, and select Apply changes. For more information, check out the Custom Fields Help.

Choose details to view in lists of users. To help focus on what's important to you as you manage users and invitations in Security, you can now choose which columns appear in lists of users. To do so, select Choose columns, choose the details to include, and select Apply changes.

Filter lists of proposals by purpose. With Prospect Research Management, you can use proposal efforts to cultivate relationships and major gift opportunities. In a list of proposals, such as in Work Center or from a constituent's record, you can now include efforts based on their purpose or intent. To include proposals based on this detail, select Filters, select Purpose under Purpose, choose the intent of the proposals to include, and select Select. For more information, see the Proposal Filters Help.

For more information about these new features and enhancements, refer to the What's New Help.  Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 07/20/2015 2:50pm EDT

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