What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT The Week Of October 11 2808

What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT The Week Of October 11


Hopefully everyone in the Community made it through Hurricane Matthew safe and sound. (Hat tip to those focused on the relief and recovery efforts.) Despite a few frantic days at our Charleston office, Raiser's Edge NXT recently updated with new features and enhancements related to search, gift records, and constituent appeals.

468a9d918a34da52284d657146563b5a-huge-seSearch for relationship records. To enhance your fundraising efforts and interactions with constituents, we recommend you track detailed information about their relationships with other individuals and organizations, such as family, employers, primary contacts, and so on. To view the record of a person or business related to a constituent, you can now enter their search criteria in the Search for a constituent field and select View all results or — if fewer than eight results — Search relationship records. From the detailed results, select Include relationship records to view related matches. For more information, see the Search for Constituents Help.

808c9b3fb564dfd69e42e99859f7471a-huge-crView how much credit fundraisers receive for a gift. Your organization may receive gifts as the result of fundraisers assigned to cultivate donor relationships or manage opportunities. On a gift's record, you can now view who helped solicit it and how much credit they receive for its acquisition under Credited to. For more information, check out Fundraisers Help.

2a031df76afec7ec174e91447b8b08b9-huge-apFilter appeals on a constituent's record. On a constituent's record, you can view which solicitations they received under Appeals. To view only those with shared characteristics, such as their category or whether they include a specific package, you can now select Filters and choose which to include. For more information, see Appeals Help.

For more information about these features, or to catch up on previous releases, check out the What's New Help and What's Recent Help. Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 10/11/2016 2:52pm EDT

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Jen Claudy Jen Claudy Oct '16
Like the Filter on Appeals, except I wish it would stick from record to record. Also, the filter for Package isn't particularly useful, as I can't tell which Appeal that Package is part of, and even if two Appeals have the same Package, that Package text appears twice in the dropdown and selecting it shows only whichever one you picked (so Appeal "1" has Package "A" and Appeal "2" has a Package "A"...the dropdown shows "A" and "A" treated as unique items). I would rather a box to check or uncheck to see only Active Appeals (based on the Inactive checkbox on the Appeal Record). Also would love a Work with Appeals link to see a full screen...the Tile isn't wide enough or tall enough to show the amount of info that would make this Tile useful or efficient.

Love the search enhancement and really love the amounts included on the Solicitor Credit Tile!
