Raiser's Edge NXT Customized For You: Personalizing The Constituent Record 3482

Raiser's Edge NXT Customized For You: Personalizing The Constituent Record

We've been talking about constituents a lot lately.  How you can search for them, how you can customize the constituent record for you, but today let's talk about how you can customize the record for your constituent.  Have you ever had to wait at a coffee shop for a constituent and ask every guy that came in if they were Tom?  While that may be a bit of an exaggeration, I hope I am not alone in having a blind donor date and wishing I had access to more about them right before my meeting. 
Did you know that those colored circles with initials in them can be replaced with a picture?  On the constituent record, just click on the
circle (to add or updated the picture) and it will open up your files for you to select the picture.   Now you at least have some idea of whom you are looking for at that next blind meeting!

You may say, well, that is just great, but I don't have07a1d49e2a832cb88bfacc2b082e7815-origina a picture of Tom on my computer.  I get it, I don't pictures of any of my clients on my computer either.  However, another feature with RE NXT is to have Online Presence links.  You can link out to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and blogs.  While you are linking out to those sites, go ahead and download a picture from one of the accounts and you can add it in. 

You now have a picture of Tom, have reviewed his online presence, and have your meeting.  Well, you probably learned a few things during your meeting.  There are a few different areas to do this.  First, if you learned something about how he wants to be communicated with, update his Communication Preferences.  You can also add a note at the very top of his constituent record right by his picture with general information about him.  If there is something that should pop up each time someone goes to Tom's record, you can add an Alert.
Now each time you have to meet with Tom, Dick, or Harry, you will know which one is which!

News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 05/08/2017 1:00pm EDT

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