What’s New: Manage Aliases 4339

What’s New: Manage Aliases

a6b5e2620a38c1973dd7e9bc33b538a3-huge-edTo help manage the alternate names an individual or organization uses, you can now select Edit, Aliases in the summary on their record.
Confused about when to use the Alias field versus the Former name or Preferred name field?

Just ask yourself these questions:
  • Is this a name a person previously went by, such as before a name change or getting married? If so, enter it as a former name.
  • Is this a name a person would rather go by, such as the abbreviated version of their name or middle name? If so, enter it as a preferred name.
  • Is this someone’s secondary identity, such as their pen name or stage name? Is it an acronym for an organization? If so, enter it as an alias.
 For more information about this feature, see Names Help. Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 01/18/2018 4:31pm EST

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