What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT: Additional Gender Options! 4530

What's New In Raiser's Edge NXT: Additional Gender Options!

dade8980f61d8f8418ab334158ad5784-huge-geTo help track the different ways people define their gender identity, you can now manage additional options for Gender when you manage records of individuals. (In the database view, admins can set up the available genders in Tables under Configuration.) For more details, see the Personal or Organization Information Help.

To catch up on previous releases, check out the What's Recent Help. Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 03/20/2018 1:28pm EDT

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Many thanks to Blackbaud for finally adding non-binary options.
Jen Claudy Jen Claudy Mar '18
Can you confirm that NXT looks at the new [Gender] Table and not the old Table now named [Sex]?  I know RE7 Query shows both as Field Options, but any Queries that already used [Gender] are now using [Sex] and it can be a little confusing.
