What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the Week of February 17 773

What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the Week of February 17


This week, Raiser's Edge NXT updates with a handful of features to filter constituent lists based on giving history and ease management of a constituent's actions and proposals. 

Filter constituents by their total giving.  You can now filter lists of constituents by how much they gave your organization overall, such as those whose total giving is greater than or equal to $1,000. To include constituents based on this detail, select Filters and, under Giving, specify the amount of total giving to include. To further define the giving, you can also include gifts within a specific period of time, toward specific fundraising efforts, or of specific types. For more information, check out the Constituent Filters Help.

Search a constituent's actions for notes. To quickly access details associated with a relationship, you can search a constituent's full list of actions for important keywords or words that you remember about a specific task or interaction. When you search a constituent's actions, you can now find any notes, reminders, observations, or explanations in the Action summary column.

334791048221ce8ae888ad6ecae2a10b-huge-prView constituent proposals without statuses. On a constituent's record, you can now filter the proposals under Proposals to only those without a status, such as for data cleanup. Previously, you could only view the entire list or proposals with statuses. 

For more information about these features, or to catch up on previous releases, see the What's New Help or What's Recent Help. Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 02/17/2016 3:28pm EST

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