What's NXT: On the Roadmap for Raiser's Edge NXT 809

What's NXT: On the Roadmap for Raiser's Edge NXT


This week, Raiser's Edge NXT updates with some minor enhancements and performance improvements. Instead of our usual What's New post, let's take a look at some of the features and enhancements planned to release over the next few months!

6c1aeeef90f84e88ee362d1715e77b7e-huge-liLists enhancements! Lists continues to be a popular feature, with a steady stream of ideas and requests coming into the Idea Bank. Long term, you'll see this feature continue to evolve into an easy-to-use counterpart for the database view's Query, just without all the complicated math. In the short term, expect additional filters and opportunities to drill into data for a deeper dive into number-crunching or other information without having to leave a list.

Action records! As a way to track fundraisers' tasks and interactions with constituents, actions make up the backbone of a constituent relationship. Raiser's Edge NXT recently updated with the ability to attach files to actions, such as to save the contact report of an interaction. In the future, you'll be able to easily track and view additional details about actions, such as custom fields, summaries, and other notes!

f7032b36845660350589de03e25b4ca5-huge-giGift record enhancements! Over the past few months, the gift record has updated with information about recurring gifts, stock/property gifts, pledges, and matching gifts. Over the next few months, its evolution will continue with additional details about pledges and recurring gifts, as well as payment information, related transactions, receipts, and attachments.

Constituent record enhancements! The constituent record has evolved to become a one-stop shop for details about your relationship with a donor, prospect, volunteer, or other individual or organization. Over the next few months, expect the constituent record to update with several enhancements, including the ability to deep-dive into notes and manage details such as contact information, custom fields, and wealth ratings!

22c3ccf97c80d841b962684a73323c92-huge-atAttachment enhancements! The ability to attach files — such as images, spreadsheets, and documents — to constituent records and actions has been a popular feature of the web view. In addition to ability to also attach files to gift records, expect to see attachments and profile pictures appear elsewhere in Raiser's Edge NXT, such as in Work Center.

Nonprofit Intelligence! Currently part of an early adopter program (EAP), the upcoming Analyze feature enables quick analysis of your organization's overall fundraising efforts, actions, and proposals, as well as your donors' lifecycle, wealth, and giving. Similar to Lists, you'll also be able to drill into deeper analysis of the number cruching, records, and other information behind the data. Thanks to EAP feedback, you'll also enjoy additional features requested by organizations like yours!

Keep in mind that things may change, and schedules may shift as features evolve, but enjoy this sneak peek of what's on the horizon for Raiser's Edge NXT!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 03/08/2016 12:47pm EST

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