What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the week of March 15 822

What's New in Raiser's Edge NXT the week of March 15

This week, Raiser's Edge NXT updates with additional information about pledges, event participation, and — with Prospect Research Management — prospects and proposals.

c7df4f0d45bb0e01613e0521bc19c0ad-huge-plView pledge schedule information. Pledges are commitments to donate in the future with a single gift or through multiple installments, such as $1,200 as 12 monthly payments of $100. On the record of a pledged gift, you can now view how often the donor pays installments and how many they committed to pay under Pledge schedule. To view a complete list of the installments and pertinent details about each, select View full schedule. For more information, see Pledge Schedule Help.

a1a42a25a7ed45354a13c6b7e36b989a-huge-evView additional event information. To better track a constituent's involvement with your organization, you can now view additional details about their participation at events — such as whether they paid for a registration, how much they paid or have left to pay, and the names of any guests or sponsors — under Events on their record.

To choose the information to view under Events, select Choose columns, choose which details to include, and select Apply changes. To find an event on a constituent's record, you can now sort the columns under Events or search by its name, the constituent's participation or payment status, or the name of a guest or sponsor.

For more information, check out Events Help.

218d053fbd6667b2fc4ca1339cf1b52a-huge-stView who changed the status of a prospect or proposal. With Prospect Research Management, you can track prospective donors as they flow thorugh your moves management process and use proposals to detail your efforts to build relationships and secure gift opportunities with them. To help track changes to a prospect or proposal, you can now view who added or updated a status when you view its history. To view who last updated a status, select Show status history under Prospect management on a constituent's record or under Proposal status on a proposal's record. (For statuses added or updated in the database view, the Last updated by field shows "Blackbaud processing" instead of a name.)

For more information about these features, or to catch up on previous releases, check out What's New Help or What's Recent Help. Enjoy!
News Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® Blog 03/15/2016 3:00pm EDT

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