Blackbaud Twitter Hashtag Changes

@bbsupport shares product tips, upcoming webinars and classes, and Support-related information throughout the day on Twitter.  We're also available to assist with your product questions :).

We've found our product hashtags bring in a lot of "noise" and make it difficult to listen for only information about those specific products. To help you find the information you need easier, we've updated our hashtags to be more unique. Now you can set your Twitter listening tool for our new product hashtags and say goodbye to the noise!

Have a question or want to give props to an analyst for great service? Tweet us @bbsupport using the new product hashtags.  Is there information you'd like us to share on Twitter? Let us know in the comments section below.


Here are the new hashtags, which can also be found in our Twitter Guide:

New Blackbaud Twitter Hashtags


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