Altru 3.11 New Feature: Report Enhancements

The August release of Altru includes changes to the total revenue report and payments report, adding more options to save you time reporting. To preview these changes, check out our new features page.

We've made it possible for you to view only the revenue you're interested in (such as Daily Sales or Advance Sales), by giving the Source field a multi-select option. No more all or none; just pick the areas you're interested in seeing.

The Revenue by Payment Method Report now includes a breakdown of revenue by the payment method type, such as credit card, cash, checks, etc. Information in this section includes the number of payments for each payment method as well as each payment method type, sub-type, and amount. This section always includes taxes because it shows the full payment and is commonly used for comparison against your bank deposit, credit card statement, or checks on hand.

We also added the Group Sales (Previously Unearned) Report to show when revenue is recognized by your organization. To view this sub-report, select the Show revenue that moved from unearned to earned check box. This sub-report displays revenue recognition information about group sales pre-payments or over payments that were previously in your group sales unearned revenue account. If your organization runs accrual based accounting, you'll need this view to help with reconciliation activities.

We also added a new section to the report called Overage kept. This section provides information about when group sales overpayments are kept by your organization.

Throughout the entire report, you can now click on the various links to go to the associated page. For example, if you click a link in the Amountcolumn, you go to the Payment page, and if you click on a in the Constituent name column, you go to the Constituent page. These hyperlinks should help you get the additional information you're seeking quickly. *Due to all the new information pulled in this report (hyperlinks), you may experience a longer wait time when running the report for large portions of time. It will vary by the size of your database and length of time on report.

If you've missed the new features page or the training sessions, check out the recording of the webinar. You'll see these changes next week!

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