Champion Tip: LaKiesha's Top 3 Queries for the Development Department

Guest post from LaKiesha Henderson, San Antonio Botanical Garden:

We do quite a bit of reporting in the Development Department. Here are my favorites:

There are two queries that I use on a daily basis. The first shows me all the membership cards that are waiting to be printed. This query is my most frequently used query because I process mail-in and phone memberships as well as complete the data entry for memberships sold at our admissions/front desk. Building this query has allowed me to quickly navigate between member records and make changes.

issued membership cards

The second is an online sales query. This query is particularly helpful when trying to track down the notes that may or may not accompany online donations. It also includes an output field to show where the money’s being funneled because we have multiple donation links on our website.

online sales

The third query is one that I try to run at least on a weekly basis to check for spouses and correct addressee and salutation information. This is a constituent query that only pulls active members because good data hygiene of these members is a huge priority for me.

spouses addressees salutations

I think queries are so great because once you've run them, you can double-click on a record and, depending on the type of query you're building, you can go straight to a constituent record, a transaction record, a membership record, a reservation page, etc.

If you'd like to learn more about using Query in Altru, sign up for this Friday's (March 14) Query 101 class.
News ARCHIVED | Blackbaud Altru® Tips and Tricks 03/10/2014 10:19am EDT

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