Altru Roadmap Call: Join Us Nov 13th

Our product managers, Jonathon Leeke and Tui Allen, presented the 2015 roadmap and 3-year outlook for Altru at bbcon this year. We realize everyone isn't able to attend, so we're hosting an online session to let everyone in on the plan. Details are as follows:

Thursday, November 13, 2014 2:00 pm ET - Register here.

The call should last about an hour with some time for Q&A at the end. Please join us! In the 3.18 release, we implemented our 100th idea from the community; we hope this makes it clear that our products team really values the opinions of customers. Come and let us know what you think about what we're currently working on, and planning to work on in the next couple years. Your feedback helps ensure that Altru grows with your organization! 

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