New In Altru: Members Only Events

Members only events are a great way to engage your members and give them added value to their membership.  In the past, Altru users had to manually manage restricting events to members only, but in Altru 4.91, you’ll be able to restrict Scheduled Programs to members only!

Creating Members Only Events is easy! While building a Schedule Program, you can set restrictions for sales based on memberships.  When you do this, only members can buy tickets to an event.  But, you can take it even one step further and restrict how many tickets a member may purchase to an event.

Similar to Member Discounts, you’ll also be able restrict how many tickets each level of membership may purchase.  For your next upcoming special exhibition preview, you can restrict Individual Level Members to purchase 2 tickets, Family Level Members to 4 tickets, and so on.

Once the Members Restrictions are in place for the program or program events, you can sell Members Only events in Daily, Advanced, and Online Sales.  You must scan the member’s card or add their Constituent Record to the order in order to sell them a ticket to a members only event. 

This new feature will save your staff time! Members Only events ensure that your members are active and can purchase the correct number of tickets to exclusive members only events quickly and easily.  Gone are the days of trying to manually verify a member’s status before selling them a ticket. 

Do you have more questions about the new Members Only features in Altru version 4.91?  Attend one of our upcoming training sessions or visit the New Features Guide to learn how to set up Members Only Events.


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Hi - is it possible to set up a zero dollar member event - one that is free, but for which we still need registrations and a list for check in?
