Tacky Holiday Sweaters And Inactivating Merchandise 4992

Tacky Holiday Sweaters And Inactivating Merchandise

As fall quickly approaches, many gift shops are preparing to order holiday-themed items.

As you look through your merchandise, you might notice the 2017 tacky holiday sweater or the 2017 Christmas ornament. While those items were truly treasures, 2018 is a new year—with new merchandise to help make the season bright. To keep your database clean, inactivate the old records. But if you just can’t forget about last year’s stuff, make sure that it shows up in searches by selecting to include inactive records. You can also reactivate a record if needed.

To make an item inactive, go to the Merchandise Department page. In the grid, click the chevrons next to the item. Click Mark Inactive.

It’s that simple! Now the record still exists in your database, but it’s marked as inactive.

Want some more tips on using Merchandise in Altru? Check out our latest eLearning course, Altru: Basics of Merchandise. Learn about vendors, merchandise departments, merchandise reports, and more. You’ll be ready for the season in a snap!
News ARCHIVED | Blackbaud Altru® Tips and Tricks 09/05/2018 12:15pm EDT

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Thank you!  A reminder to use the 'include inactive' is good when searching for old merchandise!
