Enhance Your Website And Mobile Friendly Emails 4032

Enhance Your Website And Mobile Friendly Emails

When talking about web design, you’ve probably heard the terms HTML, CSS, mobile friendly, and optimization. Have you ever scratched your head and wondered what these terms really mean? Whether you’re a site administrator, novice web designer, or someone who’s curious to learn how users interact with your organization’s website, we can help you understand these terms and how they relate to great website design and mobile friendly emails.
Good site design is why people want to visit your website, interact, and potentially open your emails. Proper attention to design detail for the user experience can be the difference between a satisfied user and an unhappy one. Here are a few tips that will help you enhance your website:
  • Follow your organization’s style or branding guidelines when formatting text and colors
  • Optimize your content and images for search engine optimization
  • Test the load time of your website for a faster experience for the user
Nearly half of today’s email messages are opened on mobile devices. Email with mobile friendly designs are no longer just nice to have, they are a must have. If your emails are not mobile friendly, you could be missing out on the opportunity to engage your subscribers and drive results. Try these tips for mobile friendly emails:
  • Use bold and short headlines
  • Focus on what will appear “above the fold” in the preview pane
  • Provide a plain text version for subscribers who simply want the basics
Want to develop or enhance your site design skills? Sign up today for the new Blackbaud University course, Blackbaud NetCommunity: Introduction to Web and Email Design.
News ARCHIVED | Blackbaud NetCommunity™ Blog 10/03/2017 10:42am EDT

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Considering the complexity of web design tasks, have you thought about seeking professional assistance? I've had a positive experience with Webcapitan - they offer professional web design services and could be worth exploring for your project. Just thought I'd throw that out there as an option!
