Student Billing Setup For The New Year: Am I Good To Go?

The end of the year can be a busy time, and you’ll need to ensure that you are ready to begin billing for the new year. First, you’ll want to create or copy your Fiscal Year in General Ledger. Next, you’ll need to copy your Products and Billing Items.

The setup of the dates of the Products and Billing Items determines how they are to be copied.  To determine the setup of your system, open a Product and Billing Item to be copied.  Check the option selected next to Date.  This will show that the billing item is either associated with a billing cycle (e.g. 2010-2011) or has specific dates (option says "Item can only be used from").

Copying billing cycles saves time as you have the choice of copying product and billing items, application restrictions as well as bill codes to a new billing cycle. After copying your Products and Billing Items, you’ll want to review your generation dates and application restrictions to ensure they are correct for the new year.

If you use Bill Codes, you can either copy from the prior year or globally add the Bill Codes to records.

If you are using grade-based billing, you will need to ensure your students are promoted prior to generating transactions.

When you’re ready to start billing tuition, you can generate your Billing Schedules from the Bill Codes you added to the student records. Depending on your process, you may have manually added Billing Schedules.  You have the option to generate Billing Schedules and Scheduled Charges/Credits all at once, or separately.

I hope that this helps you complete your end-of-year procedures in Student Billing!

Have questions? Let me know in the comments below!
News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 04/24/2015 6:30am EDT

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