Finding FAWeb Data In Registrar's Office


Need a way to quickly check a student's marking column grade in FAWeb or find which classes are marked Not Ready to post?  You can find information quickly and easily using queries in Registrar's Office.  Here are a few examples of how you can use these queries to get you started.

Say you need to a quick way to list current grades for a specific student.  You can query on that using the Daily Grades section under Grades in a Student query (“Daily Grades” refers to marking column grades in FAWeb).  Here are the steps to get a list of that student’s grades:

1. Create a new Student query.
2. On the Criteria tab, expand Student, Bio1, and select Student ID or Full Name.  Fill in this student’s ID or Full Name and click OK.
3. Expand Grades, Daily Grades and select the academic year, term and marking column.
4. On the Output tab, expand Grades, Daily Grades and select Class ID and Grade.
5. Run the query.

For more information on how to query on Daily Grades check out: How to query on unposted marking column grades in FAWeb

If you’re looking to see when a grade was added or updated in FAWeb, use the Daily Grade properties section from under Grades, Daily Grades.  For example, if you want to see any grade that was updated after a certain date, follow these steps:

1. Create a new Student query.
2. On the Criteria tab, expand Grades, Daily Grades, Daily Grades properties and select Date last changed.  Select greater than or equal to as the operator and fill in the date.
3. On the Output tab, add the student name from under Student, Bio1, then add Class ID and Grade from under Grades, Daily Grades.
4. Run the query.

If you need a list of teachers who haven’t set their gradebooks to Ready.  You can get that information using a Class query.

1. Create a new Class query.
2. On the Criteria tab, expand Class and select the academic year.
3. Expand FAWeb Data and select the marking column and post status you’re looking for.
4. On the Output tab, add Class ID from under Class.
5. Run the query.

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News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 09/25/2015 6:30am EDT

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