Getting Started With FE NXT - Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of commonly asked questions from the Getting Started Adoption webinar. Please sign up for the webinars if you have not already done so, and let us know what other questions you may have!

Q: What is the Webview? What is NXT? What does Database View mean? Are these all different?

A: We use the terms Webview and NXT interchangeably. The Webview (NXT) is one view, and the Financial Edge Database (database version) is a separate view. Even though your FE is now hosted and accessed online, the term “Webview” only refers to NXT
Q: Is my database view going away?
A: No! You will continue to have access to your database in addition to having the Webview. It is not going away and you may continue to work in it as much or little as you wish.
Q: Do I need to take any steps to get NXT and FE to communicate?
A: FE database and NXT are connected to and pulling from the same database – so no steps are needed on your end to get the two to communicate. Any changes made to a record will automatically update and appear in the other view (if that field is available in the other view). 
Q: Do I need to duplicate Security restrictions in the Webview?
A: No! All Security setup in the Financial Edge Database automatically apply in NXT. This means that if a user is restricted from seeing certain records this will also be restricted in the Webview. On top of Security restrictions translating to the Webview, the system also does not give permission to the Webview-specific NXT functionality unless those permissions are specifically granted
Q: Who has access to the Control Panel in NXT?
A: Only users who have *Supervisor Rights* in the database will have the Control Panel in NXT. 
Q: Can I work in both systems at once?
A: Yes! You may have both FE database and the Webview open in two separate internet tabs. Bonus tip: If you have two monitors you may choose to display each view on a different monitor. As long as you stay active in within the time-out limits on each tab you may work in both at once.
Q: Where do I take Training on NXT?
A: The Adoption Success Seminars are designed to help you with some tips and tricks for getting going with NXT, however they are not training and will not appear on your Training Transcript. To get a deeper-dive into NXT and learn the how-to and step-by-step functionality, register with Blackbaud University for NXT Training.
Q: Is there a Resource page for NXT?
In Addition to the NXT Online Community, there is a Financial Edge NXT Resource Page managed by Blackbaud Support.

News Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® Blog 12/06/2017 1:10pm EST

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