What's New (Nov 6, 2018) 5163

What's New (Nov 6, 2018)

The latest release of Financial Edge NXT includes a reporting option that you might find useful. When creating reports in Financial Edge NXT web view, you can now select whether or not to include the criteria page.

The criteria page lists the criteria used to create the report and is set up in the database view. This list of criteria can be used to ensure the report was run correctly, or shared with other staff who want to create the same report. 

If you do not want this information to print with the report, you can unmark the Print criteria page checkbox under Format on the report parameters screen. 

Do keep in mind, this option is not available for any reports with configurable columns, such as the Balance sheet and Income statement. We will add this option to those reports in an upcoming release. 

Idea Portal
The request to include the checkbox on web view reports was submitted via the Financial Edge NXT Idea Portal in the Community. For those of you who have been submitting product ideas we want to say thanks. You have been providing us with great product ideas and suggestions. Please keep the feedback coming! Our product team reviews and monitors the ideas on a daily basis.

To catch up on what we’ve recently released, check out What’s Recent.

News Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® Blog 11/06/2018 1:57pm EST

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Thank you for all the links to helpful resources Justin Ward‍ 
