What’s New (February 2016) 811

What’s New (February 2016)

In the February release, we added three new reports to the web view, and made some data entry enhancements. 

The Trial balance report report lists each account balance and indicates whether the total amount of debits equals the total amount of credits.

The Bank register report displays the transactions in the bank account register. Depending on the parameters you set, this can include total deposits, total payments, and grand totals.

The Bank reconciliation report provides details of the bank register reconciliation with the bank statement. In addition, this report lists all transactions included in the reconciliation process and all adjustments (such as fees, interest earned, voided checks) recorded in the register at the date of reconciliation. You can use this report to troubleshoot issues before you receive your bank statement.

You can run the Bank reconciliation report in three formats (Last reconciliation, Historical reconciliation, and Custom reconciliation). With this release, you can run only the "Last reconciliation" format in the web view. However, you can still run the Historical and Custom formats in the database view.

For more information about running reports, see Reporting.

Data entry enhancements 
Financial Edge NXT records are displayed in lists. For example, the Accounts list in General ledger displays all your accounts, and the Vendors list in Payables displays all your vendors. With this release, we added a menu next to each record in a list to make accessing tasks related to those records easier.

The tasks that appear in the menu will vary depending upon the type of record you are accessing.
News Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® Blog 03/08/2016 10:32am EST

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