Fundraiser’s Guide to Data Sources 2211

Fundraiser’s Guide to Data Sources


For those of you not familiar with this wonderful resource, I hope you take the time to check out the latest and greatest version of our Fundraisers’ Guide to Data Sources up on our website. 

Think of this as your one-stop shop to “help fundraisers learn and understand the sometimes complicated nature of wealth.”  With this document you will have useful descriptions and ways to think about analyzing the data that is utilized in WealthPoint screenings. 
It a wonderful takeaway for prospect researchers and all development staff by providing an understanding of the data available with the various sources utilized at Target Analytics, such as Dun & Bradstreet, Who’s Who, NOZA, Experian, etc.  This Guide will help you and your colleagues think about how to interpret the data and think about setting realistic expectations about what the information may be telling you.
Please take the time to download and let us know what you think of the information and if you found it useful for your organization.

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