Spring Cleaning for ResearchPoint 2249

Spring Cleaning for ResearchPoint


I have seen so many discussions about professionally and personally doing spring cleaning lately.  There is really just something about this time of the year that makes us want to unload or make things cleaner in our lives.  

So, I started thinking the other day about ResearchPoint and how we can do spring cleaning there.  

Here are some initial ideas and I would love to hear from some of you about this and how you are incorporating "spring cleaning" with ResearchPoint that is making your life a great deal easier.  

1.  First thought is create folders for your queries if you have not already done so.  Nothing is more paralizing than opening up something and see 100 different queries and not sure which one you really want or need for a specific project.  Be creative and remember if you create a folder and then decide you don't need it - delete it or change the name!

2.  Start reviewing the queries that exist in your RP database and which ones are not really being used.  Remember you can choose columns you want to see with regards to your queries.  Last Run On is a great column to review and if there is no date or the date is really old determine if this is absolutely necessary.  If it is a fairly basic query and not extremely complex and you are not really using it then delete it.  In this case, delete is not a "four letter" word and purge your database of unused or unwanted queries.  

3.  If you have created lots of users, determine who is truly using ResearchPoint and who is not.  I have seen many cases where people get all excited about the new bright shiny object and then forget to use it or the luster has diminished because they are too busy and others are really using it.  Check in with your staff and make sure they are using the tool and if not ask if they still need access.

Also a good time to check to see if you have anyone who is no longer with your organization and you still have them listed as a user -
definitely delete them.  

So how are others doing "spring cleaning" when it comes to ResearchPoint?  I am always delighted to hear new tips!

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