Enable Data Refresh In ResearchPoint 5273

Enable Data Refresh In ResearchPoint


Did you know you could turn on a function in ResearchPoint that would run previously screened prospects through wealth sources to check for updates?

The more I point out "Enable Data Refresh", the more I am surprised many people don't know about this lovely little function in ResearchPoint.  I refer to it as "a little elf at night" that takes all your previously wealth screened prospects and checks for updates from specific sources.  If you enable the data refresh, every time WealthPoint updates Dun & Bradstreet's files (private company ownership), Thompson (securities and income), Who's Who or GuideStar (non-profit and foundation affiliations), ResearchPoint will automatically update changed values for you on the prospect's record without you having to hit "Get WealthPoint Updates" on an individual record.

Enable Data Refresh does not get counted against your daily individual or batch wealth screening allowances, which is why I think everyone should take advantage of the function.  

You can see the changes on an individual's record on their main Wealth Summary page by clicking "View Data Refreshed".  

You can also see the day's changes or all changes since you enabled the refresh by going to "Wealth and ratings data" on the Prospect Tab under Configuration.  This is where you can both enable the data refresh for the first time (on the right under Tasks), and check for updates to your database under the WealthPoint Data Refresh Tab.  You can filter the data on name, source and date range.
When viewing the changes, you will see columns for constituent name, date, source, wealth detail, field, old value and new value.  For example, a prospect may have changed their home address in the Dun & Bradstreet files.  The source would be D&B, wealth detail would be their private company name, field would be home address, and old value and new value would display.  

You will notice that every constituent listed has their name in blue, which in ResearchPoint indicates a hyperlink.  You can open the prospect's main record from here using that hyperlink. 

Keep in mind, the returned data will not always be automatically confirmed; it is subject to the same algorithm of confirmation as any other returned value in ResearchPoint.  

I hope you love our "little elf at night" that comes to refresh your data for you - how convenient is that?!


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