Your Date Table For Your Next Fiscal Year Can Be Setup In FundWare Now!

Happy New Year!  Just a reminder to all of you who have Fiscal Years that ends on December 31st….

Instead of having to stop everything when someone tries to post that first January entry, you can set up your date tables right now for the next fiscal year.  Creating these date tables now, before the new fiscal year begins, will have you ready to go with posting when the current fiscal year ends.

Remember, in FundWare you can post to multiple years at any time.  This means you can be finishing up through 12/31/2013 while you begin posting in the new 2014 fiscal year. Follow the steps in How to Add a New Date Table to complete the process.

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.
News ARCHIVED | Financial Edge® Tips and Tricks 12/30/2013 3:07pm EST

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