Some Call It Love 4396

Some Call It Love

Do you remember meeting your first real love? Remember that feeling? The connection was likely intense and you probably felt like sharing every moment…every thought…every donation or payment. Wait. What?

Product or system integration is much the same as that special connection you make with a partner. I mean, you begin by identifying the two software systems that want to be integrated. After defining some connection points, you probably do a test run (first date) and then voila! You’re integrated. Things are running smoothly and you share information regularly. 

Integration is a love connection that truly saves time and helps prevent data entry errors. You can map your Raiser’s Edge funds to Financial Edge accounts and projects so that when posted, the revenue is ready to be approved and posted into General Ledger with just a couple of mouse clicks. It’s a match made in heaven.

You can make that same love connection between Raiser’s Edge and Financial Edge. With a few simple setup steps, you connect two systems that were born to be together and share information. If your Raiser’s Edge database hasn’t yet made that connection to your Financial Edge database, what are you waiting for? It’s February! The month for connections!

Need help taking those first steps? Blackbaud University’s Integration: Basics of Raiser’s Edge and Financial Edge Integration eLearning course is available as a true matchmaker whenever you’re ready to take the plunge.

Interested in integrating Smart Tuition and Financial Edge (or Financial Edge NXT)? There’s a matchmaking eLearning course for you too! Integration: Basics of Financial Edge and Smart Tuition Integration can get your connection off on the right foot!

Are you still thinking about that first connection you made with “the one”? Well, you might still have time to make a love connection…probably because you’re saving time integrating! 

News ARCHIVED | Financial Edge® Tips and Tricks 02/06/2018 7:56am EST

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