Blackbaud Day of Caring: Washington Township School Foundation

Washington Township School Foundation is one the leading school foundations in Indiana. Established in 1985 the foundation has awarded nearly $3.6 million to benefit every student and teacher in the district. When faced with the decision of how to volunteer my time for Blackbaud's Day of Caring, there was no hesitation when it comes to Washington Township School Foundation. The atmosphere the foundation exudes cannot be beat. Friendly faces, enthusiastic attitudes and just a general excitement and passion for the work they do only scratch the surface.

When we walk in, Starbucks coffee in hand, Jennifer Sanner and Ginny Hacker turn from viewing the same computer screen and greet us warmly. “Hello!” the two burst in unison. “We have you all set up”.

Jennifer smiles and gestures to a set of chairs strategically placed to the right and the left of her computer. We were in for fun day chock-full of strategies for organizing and brainstorming what to clean up. Like many organizations Jennifer inherited the eTapestry database from her predecessor 8 years ago in what she lovingly refers to as its “infant stage”. Fast forward 8 years and the foundation and database have grown immensely and it was time to wrestle with cleaning it up.

Our time was filled with laughter, serious contemplating, and even a few happy tears. This foundation is truly blessed to have such a gifted and brilliant duo as Ginny and Jennifer.

To learn more and engage with Washington Township School Foundation, visit their website,, or follow them on Twitter, @WTSFoundation.

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