Interns, the Homepage and eTapestry....Oh My! 2373

Interns, the Homepage and eTapestry....Oh My!

Here is a special request from one of our Interns here at Blackbaud.  Between getting me coffee and washing my truck....uh.....did I just say that outloud? Just kidding everyone!  Our interns are hard at work helping us make better products for YOU!  I mean just becasue he knows I like French vanilla creamer in my coffee and everything bagels with honey walnut cream cheese is just a coincidence right?  Serriously, help Intern Eric out and show him how cool our eTap customers are.  Thanks!

Hello eTapestry users!

My name is Eric, and I am Blackbaud’s User Experience Design intern. My project for the summer is to redesign eTapestry’s homepage in order to make it serve your needs better and more easily. In order to do that, I really need your help. It is incredibly vital to the redesign that every single decision I make be rooted in experiences of actual eTapestry users (you guys). What are you using eTapestry for? What do you love about it? More importantly, what don’t you love about it? Which tasks do you find yourself completing the most often? Etc.
I would like to make it explicitly clear that what “homepage redesign” means is 100% up to what I learn through our conversations. If I find that it’s absolutely perfect the way it is, it won’t change. In the more likely event that it isn’t, it could change in any number of ways. From information displayed, to actions you can complete from the homepage, etc. It really is up to you and me working together to create a better product.
Being a User Experience Designer means that your experience with eTapestry is my number one priority. It would make my summer if you would help me make this project meaningful and helpful for you. The pro: The more help you provide, the more input you’ll end up having in what becomes eTapestry’s new homepage. The con: You have to spend time on the phone with me.
If this is something that you would be interested in, please shoot me an e-mail at . We can speak as little or as much as you’d like, and you’re free to end that dialog at any time, no questions asked. Any and all help is appreciated, and I look forward to speaking with you. 


Eric the Intern

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It would be great if i can have more than one Campaign displayed at a time on the homepage.
Hi Eric, I love being able to tailor the home page, but there are currently some limitations. For example, I like having the ability to show a campaign and progress, but would love to have more than one show up at the same time. Same for the other Dashboard types of things. Also, I would love for them to update each day automatically, rather than requiring me to tell it to update. Good luck!
Tui Allen Tui Allen Jun '16
This is such a great opportunity! We want to hear from you, so please connect with Eric.
Hi Eric, i am currently working on a project to create a dashboard using our data on eTapestry. It would be really great if we could personalise the existing dashboard on eTap to include the specific items that we would like to report on. We currently use some of the options available but we would like to highlight other areas of our business. Look forward to seeing what you can do.
Please shrink the pages so that they fit the screen and I don't have to scroll down on each entry to save it! That would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Eric! Great post - don't let Mike work you too hard. ~CB :)
