Don’t Let Your Supporters Divorce You! 4541

Don’t Let Your Supporters Divorce You!

Have you ever had a conversation like this one I had at my house recently?

Me: I told you that last week.
Family member: No, you didn’t.
Me: Yes, I did.
Family member: Was I awake when you told me?

Clearly, I missed the mark on the message I was trying to deliver.

They say the most important part of a marriage, or any relationship for that matter, is communication. They also say communication is the number one reason for divorce. (Technically I think the number one reason for divorce is finances, but I would argue it is lack of communication about finances).43ac04dc549ee21a6e20c863417f51c6-huge-pe

Regardless, delivering the message—the right message, to the right person, at the right time—is the key to any solid relationship.

Your supporters should be treated with the same care. But how do you break through all the “noise” and get your message to the right person?

Luckily, eTapestry has some powerful communication tools! Those tools may seem daunting as you try to create a communication plan for your organization, but Blackbaud University has you covered! We’ve launched a new class, eTapestry: Effective and Efficient Communications, aimed to help you generate the right communications—to the right people!

In this class we’ll step through real-world scenarios and discuss best practices to apply concepts to allow you to:
  • Create letters, approaches, and newsletters
  • Understand the impact of queries on your communication efforts
  • Track communication on accounts for historical reference
  • Contact supporters based on their designated communication preference
  • Correctly use personas and salutations
  • Generate measurable approach goals
If these topics sound like something you could use to improve your communication program, register now! This course is included with your Learn More or Learn Everything training subscription. Not a subscriber? Find out how a Learn® subscription can help you become effective and efficient!

Don’t let your supporters divorce you due to poor communication! Let eTapestry and Blackbaud University help you communicate with your donors, effectively and efficiently!

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