Page Wrapper Versioning 7090

Page Wrapper Versioning


If you've been reading the Luminate Online Community blog for a while now, you probably know I have a Master of Science degree in Information Studies. And as someone who has studied life cycles of digital files, I really like how Luminate Online doesn't let you edit the active version of a page wrapper. Instead you must make a copy, edit the copy, and then activate the new version. This allows you to easily revert back to your previous version if you make a mistake. And when you make a mistake in Page Wrapper Editor, you can accidentally mess up your entire site ā€¦ yikes!

So, if you indeed read my blog posts, you probably know I also love to talk about naming conventions. Here are my thoughts on Page Wrapper Editor and version names.

While the versioning in Page Wrapper Editor is great, you unfortunately don't get a lot of help with version naming in this module. Hopefully, your organization already has a policy for page wrapper naming conventions. But if you don't, I recommend the following:

  1. Start with v and the version number (v1, v2, v15) followed by a hyphen (v1 -).
  2. Include a short phrase describing the reason for the new versionā€”first version, updated footer, added social media icons, etc.
  3. End with a hyphen and then your initials, so everyone at your organization knows who made the change.
  4. Example file names:
    • Page wrapper file name v1 - first version - ak
    • Page wrapper file name v2 - updated footer - ak

The reason for this type of versioning is twofold. First, it helps to keep track of what changes were made and who made them. Second, when you need to make a new copy or revert back to an old one, it's easy to tell which version you need to use.

For more tips and tricks on working with page wrappers, register for Blackbaud University's new 90-minute mini course, Blackbaud Luminate Online: Page Wrappers.

News Blackbaud Luminate OnlineĀ® Blog 09/03/2020 11:47am EDT

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