Refunds for Everyone!

By this time of year, students will have most likely begun paying their tuition bills. In Student Billing, we’ve been recording the payments and getting them applied to the correct charges. Sometimes, however, we will need to refund a payment back to the student. The student may have paid a little extra, or may no longer be returning to the school. The Refund option for transactions is a great tool to get the money back to the student, while making sure that the student record reflects the correct balance.

Creating Refunds

When creating refunds, there are a few options to initially create the refund.

If we have multiple payments that need to be refunded, either partially or in full, we can create the refund directly from the Activity screen.


We can then set the amount of the refund and select which payments should fund the refund by selecting the Payments/Credits tab and selecting Add/Edit Applications.


What about if we only have one payment? There’s a quick way to create the refund directly from the payment! This can be used whether the full amount needs to be refunded or just a partial amount.

Open the payment that needs to be refunded. In the top menus, select the Payment menu, and select Reverse this Payment as a Refund.


This pulls up the Refund item automatically. Information for amount and the GL distribution information will automatically fill out based on the payment that we used.

Creating the Refund Check Options

When we create the Refund item, we have multiple options regarding creating the refund check.

If we do not want to record the check within The Financial Edge, we can save the Refund item without clicking the Create Refund Check button. This will record the refund on the student record, but will not record any check.

Sometimes you may need to write a check outside of The Financial Edge. In these cases, we can record the check, without printing another physical check. We can select the Create Refund Check button on the refund window.


A window will then come up where you can select the bank account and the person whose name should appear on the check. In this example, Create Refunds is our Student.


In the next window, we can set up the check information if anything needs to be edited. Most of these fields should prepopulate based on your bank settings. To record the check in Accounts Payable, but not actually print a check, we will click Record and Close.


But what if we need to print a check? We still have options then!

If you are ready to print the check at that very moment, it’s as simple as clicking Print Now on check window.


If you will eventually want to print the check, but are not ready to print it yet, we can select the Print Later and Close option. This will add the check to Accounts Payable to be printed at a later time.


Your refund is now complete!
News ARCHIVED | K-12 Announcements 01/19/2016 5:00pm EST

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