Blackbaud Customer Support Update

Hello, my name is Dorie Wallace and I am a Vice President of Customer Support at Blackbaud.  I lead a team of about 200 professionals supporting your success.  I wanted to share some updates with you.

We focus on providing you a full resolution to any question or issue you have, providing that resolution to you as quickly as possible, and ensuring the entire process is enjoyable.  I am happy to report that our ability to provide you a resolution on the first contact is at an all-time high.  Our hold times are decreasing and our customer satisfaction rate continues to beat industry best practices.

Here are just a few of the initiatives we are working on now…

  • Increase our social media presence.  We provide twitter support (@bbsupport), Facebook support, and just started a LinkedIn called Blackbaud Support.  Check us out!
  • We are in development now to make it easier for you to access chat support.  Coming soon – you will no longer have to enter your name, organization, etc. when trying to access chat support.  And the full transaction of the chat will be stored in the case so you can always see the conversation.
  • We are planning now to completely redesign the phone menu.  We know that today, there are too many options on the phone menu and it can be confusing.  We want to streamline this and get you to an analyst quicker.  Our goal is to have this in place in early 2014.
  • We are increasing our analysis on the root causes for issues and partnering with Product Development to address those causes.  For example, we determined that our eTapestry customers contact us over 100 times a month to have their passwords reset.  As of August 11, a feature will be in the product allowing users to reset their passwords on their own.  And this is just one example!

I hope you are excited by these improvements – we sure are!  We will keep you updated as we deliver these enhancements.  For the most up to date information, please follow us on twitter: @bbsupport or me directly: @DorieWa

Ideas on how we can improve?  Need help with something?  Want to share your feedback?  Please feel free to contact me directly at or 843.654.2285.
News Community News 08/12/2013 8:38am EDT

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