The Renewals Team Introduces The Customer Guide

What’s worse, hearing cop sirens pull over your car or your navigation system repeating, “recalculating, recalculating, recalculating?”

I’d say the navigation system. There’s a better chance the cop will give you directions before, after, or instead of a ticket. Meanwhile, your GPS will still be trying to load the map as the giant question mark circulates over the car icon.  Ugh.

The ticket serves to remind you what not to do in the future; information you appreciate but don’t look forward to paying for. The navigation system serves to give you directions…..when it feels like it; a service you paid for thus expect.  If only this information had been easier to find earlier or if you knew where you were going, you wouldn’t be in this situation!

This exact notion can surface when trying to navigate around Blackbaud’s resources. Too much to know in an unfamiliar environment do you ever ask yourself, “where is the map?!?”  We can help. Pull over, lower your music, and open the Customer Guide.

The Customer Guide is here to serve as the information source and navigation around Blackbaud. No training or additional equipment required, this guide is included as part of your annual maintenance.  The Customer Guide is written in layman terms with active links to our core sources and FAQs.

  • Scopes of Maintenance and Support
  • Hours of Operation
  • Chat Support contact information
  • Phone Support contact information
  • Navigating Case Central
  • Response and Resolution time

So before you put yourself at risk, take a minute to review and share it with co-workers. Sure the knowledge may be common to some, but the guide exists for new drivers, those who’ve unknowingly made illegal turns, or those who type an address into a GPS instead of following, “just make a left after you see that tree next to that thing, you know?” directions.

As always, if you have any questions about Blackbaud feel free to reach out to the renewals team by email at
News Community News 08/04/2014 9:51am EDT

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