Holly's Helpful Hints: How To Help Yourself 2671

Holly's Helpful Hints: How To Help Yourself

Here's how to find help in the Blackbaud Community:

Located at the top of the community, is the Help menu:

If you hover over Help, you'll see three items in the drop down menu:
Community Help
The Community Help page is a list of frequently asked questions about the Blackbaud Community. It is broken out by question type in the table of contents and is also searchable from a search bar located below the header. Plus, look to the top right of the page and you'll see a green drop down that says "Helpful Hints." Those are links to all the helpful hints I've published in the Community.

Knowledgebase and Blackbaud Customer Support
The Knowledgebase and Blackbaud Customer Support links will both take you outside of the Community and are set to open in a new tab in your browser. The Knowledgebase includes product documentation, videos, articles, and links to blackbaud.com pages. Blackbaud Customer Support takes you to our award-winning support team.

Got questions? Post them here.
News Community News 08/10/2017 9:00am EDT

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This is great thanks!
Thanks, Holly. I had never looked at the Help tab before. It's good to know there is a quick way to find Community help, KB and customer support! I appreciate the helpful hints.
Thank you Holly. I always look forward to your Helpful Hints in the community.
Joanne, Great question! Here's the blog about finding new members.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Love that they added the Helpful Hints pull down, but the list won't scroll on Firefox so I think I'm only seeing part of the list.  Anyway this can be a link to its own page with all the titles there?

Also - I think you wrote a hint on how to find recent members, if so could you send/post a link to that

