The Buzz: New iPhone Edition 6050

The Buzz: New iPhone Edition

Good Morning Community!

We've got all sorts of new things to talk about this week; bbcon (US), product updates, vertical rountables, and even a new badge - if you're into that sort of thing.

But first, let's talk about the breaking news that's rocking the entire world right now; the new iPhone is coming!!!

Oh, that's not the big news that it used to be, is it?  We live in a technological marvel of a world today and we're starting to get a little tired of the announcements for the latest and greatest phones / tablets / bionic implants, aren't we?

So let's hear what it would take to get you excited about new tech.  Assuming that budget isn't an issue for you, what would it take to get you excited about a new piece of technology?  Looking for your best answers in the comments below this article.

And now, let's dive into...



Do you have a success story for corporate membership plans?

Introduce yourself - reach out and make some friends here in the Community!

What's you favorite way to unwind?

K-12: Product Updates For September 18

ETAPESTRY: Preparing For 20/20 Vision

BLACKBAUD PEER-TO-PEER FUNDRAISING (BBP2P): Getting Creative With Your P2P Fundraisers

BBP2P: Integrating JustGiving With eTapestry


NONPROFIT VERTICAL ROUNDTABLE: Diving Into Your Peer-to-Peer Data (September 23)

FAITH BASED VERTICAL ROUNDTABLE: Diving Into Your Peer-to-Peer Data (September 24)

HEALTHCARE VERTICAL ROUNDTABLE: Diving Into Your Peer-to-Peer Data (September 25)

Taking Payments with Blackbaud MobilePay (September 25)

HIGHER EDUCATION VERTICAL ROUNDTABLE: Diving Into Your Peer-to-Peer Data (September 26)

End of Year Email Checklist: Top Tips for Email Segmenting, Scheduling and Sending (October 2)

Benchmark Yourself in TeamRaiser (November 6)

Blackbaud Luminate Online and Blackbaud TeamRaiser Roadmap Update (November 6)




We are introducing a new badge in Community. To earn it, you must pledge to be vigilant against spammers in our Community. When you report a (fake) member or spammy content, you’ll receive this badge. Wear it proudly on your profile page! You are helping to keep the Community’s content clean and spam free. Here’s a quick refresher on how/when to report:




Are you planning on attending bbcon next month in Nashville?  Do you have questions as to who will be there, how to get the app, or anything else regarding the conference?  Well, drop into the bbcon community and find your answers!

News Community News 09/17/2019 11:19am EDT

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I miss having an actual keyboard to type on with a phone, the touch screen doesn't have that nostalgia of the clicking keys that I like. 
New technology? I think it'd have to be groundbreaking in the sort of way where it's basically magic!
Crystal Bruce‍ I want a bunch of things from Fifth Element- makeup thing, food pellet that turns into full meal in microwave, flying car, trips to other planets!
Absolutely Miranda Harvey‍ - Let's appreciate and make use of the technology that we DO have instead of constantly churning our more just for the sake of being newer.  We live in a magical time right now and people completely take it for granted that we have these little magical devices in our pocket that can connect us with anything in the world.
New tech uses up a lot of the world's resources, and is pushed on us like it's something we need. How about we stop with the new iPhones and create repairable and sustainable technology that lifts the poor out of poverty, restores the environment, and supports universal health and satisfaction as opposed to the greed and status of a few. Technology should promote equity.
I would get excited about new phone technology that was inexpensive instead of costing as much as a small computer.
Kate Kiser Kate Kiser Sep '19
Personal new tech top wish list item: something that cleans my bath tub/shower independently and thoroughly
Professional new tech top wish list item related to Blackbaud: push technology allowing real time notification to our gift officers about a gift that was just received, a research request that was fulfilled, or other operations-related activity that development leadership and officers want to know about ASAP.
Professional new tech top wish list item related to reporting: Access to all RE data fields via the Sky API Microsoft Power BI connector
Technology, to me, has evolved to the point where I feel like I have everything I need and it isn't until the newest technology comes out that I'm like "ooooh, I need that!" I sat on a ride once at Disney World that featured a small dot like food thing that you popped in a fancy microwave and it came out a full meal. OH! And I also LOVE the makeup putter-onner that LeeLoo uses in the Fifth Elements. Boop! Make up is done!
I wish for a virtual environment that is spam free, but until my dream becomes a reality.... SPAM WARRIORS - DO YOUR THING!
Well, we didn't say it was going to be an EASY badge to earn - or one that we want to hand out.  because ideally, we'd LOVE to have a world with 0% spam.  But as the flight attendants say; "In the unlikely event of an emergency..."
New technology I'm looking for? I'm still looking forward to that space trip to Mars where we "sleep in" until we get near the planet, then get awakened for our visit to the red planet. All the scifi I read in the '70s made it seem like surely by 2020 we'd have this capability! 
I will not hope for spam so I can earn a badge. I will not hope for spam so I can earn a badge. I will not hope for spam so I can earn a badge. I will not hope for spam so I can earn a badge. I will not hope for spam so I can earn a badge. I will not hope for spam so I can earn a badge.
Oh, that is a badge I don't want to get. I love that this community is not filled with spammers.
