Meet Sara Hoffman! 2464

Meet Sara Hoffman!


Meet Sara Hoffman, a Luminate user, with the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade.

Meet Sara Hoffman!

This Community Corner spotlight shines on Luminate user, Sara Hoffman, with the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade.

Sara Hoffman's Community Profile>


About Sara:

Tell us about your family: "I have a blog for my cats, but otherwise I spend my time at the playground with my wife and toddler."

Where do you live? "I live in Brookland, a neighborhood in Washington, DC."

What do you like to do for fun? "I play video games and draw (pen and ink). I also like to make websites."

How did you get your start in the non-profit world? "I've never not been in the non-profit world. My first job during high school was at a biochem lab at a non-profit doing research on hereditary eye diseases. I've mostly stayed around arts, education and environmental organizations until now where I work for the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade."

Tell us about your organization: "Avon Breast Cancer Crusade runs the AVON 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer. The funds that are raised through the walks are used immediately so every donation has an immediate impact on the lives of those impacted by breast cancer. A lot of the funds stay in the communities that raised them."

What’s a typical day like for you? "I like to take 30 minutes at the beginning of the day to figure out my priorities based on my email inbox, fill out my daily, and read my team's dailies as they come in and see if someone will need me or vice versa. The daily makes sure I know about the day's meetings and makes me look at my entire workload from immovable objects, standing meetings and tasks related to marketing promotions. I probably spend about half of my time actually coding and developing things - the rest fluctuates between fighting fires, meetings, project and vendor management."
What’s the best part of your job? "Fixing problems by bending what Luminate Online can do."

Do you have any advice for someone starting out in the non-profit field? "Ask questions, be curious."
News ARCHIVED | Member Spotlight 07/07/2016 7:05pm EDT

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Just putting it out there that Sara is my hero!!  Anyone out there trying to make LO their own and take it to the next level, crawl through Sara's posts and learn from a master.  Do wish she'd accept my friend requests so I can see her posts in my feed, tho.  Notice me, senpai!
