My bbcon Experience 5087

My bbcon Experience

This was my fourth bbcon and first bbu day. As we are beginning the process of transitioning to Raiser’s Edge NXT, my goal was to get a head start and learn as much as possible about NXT.   Not only did I learn all about NXT, I am very excited about the possibilities and upcoming features.

I would say that bbu/bbcon is a wonderful combination of learning, networking, inspiration, motivation, and fun!
  • Learning –great variety of classes and sessions.  I learned a great deal.
  • Networking – meeting many friendly, dedicated professionals who are willing to share their experiences.
  • Inspiration – Blair Underwood’s talk – “I see you.”  “I am here”.  What is your greater why?
  • Motivation – the Blackbaud team, conference speakers, and Jeremy Heiman helped to reignite that spark of enthusiasm about my work.
  • Fun – BBU reception, and the amazing reception at Citiwalk.  A great time was had by all.
This year’s bbcon and bbu day exceeded my expectations.  I am informed, inspired, and motivated for the upcoming year!
News ARCHIVED | bbcon® Blogs 10/12/2018 10:00am EDT

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Super proud of you. Looking forward to work with you with RENxt. We also enjoyed Orlando.
Thank you, Maryann!
I'm so happy you enjoyed every minute of BBCON. You truly deserve every one of the ribbons, badges, pins and t-shirt that you earned!! I'm looking forward to hearing all about the new things you learned about!
Congrats again Marie! :)
