Changes To The Constituent API


The Constituent API was updated on 9/28/2016. See our Changelog entries for more information.

Breaking Change Planned

We will change the fundraisers property on the action entity so that it contains a list of strings populated with the constituent_id of fundraisers instead of an array of action fundraiser entities.


  • ThConstituent (List) endpoint now includes the option to select specific properties on its return object by using the optionafields query parameter. This can reduce the response payload size and improve the response time.
  • ThConstituent (List) endpoint no longer returns deceased constituents by default. Instead, they are included by setting the neinclude_deceased option to true.
  • ThCommunication preference (List) endpoint can now be paginated using the nelimit and offset query parameters. If not specified, the defaullimit is 10000.
  • We changed the following query string parameters to snake case:
    • includeInactive is now include_inactive on Constituent (List)Email address (List)Online presence (List)Phone (List)Rating (List)Rating categories (Get), and Rating sources (Get).
    • categoryName is now category_name on Constituent custom field category values (Get).
    • searchText is now search_text on Constituent (Search).
News SKY Developer Announcements 09/29/2016 3:28pm EDT

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