Updates For School API 8143

Updates For School API


Review the school changelog for recent updates.

Review the school changelog for recent updates from 2022.

As of January 11, 2022:

As of December 17, 2021:

  • We added a new endpoint for GET Dorms (BETA). This endpoint is currently in beta testing. It will replace deprecated endpoints. Let us know your feedback by commenting in the developer user community discussion area for schools.

  • The endpoint for GET Dorms (DEPRECATED) is now deprecated and will not function after January 1, 2023.

  • The endpoint for GET Dorm Residents by Dorm (DEPRECATED) is now deprecated and will not function after January 1, 2023.

  • We fixed an issue for GET Athletics Schedules. It now correctly returns values for the end_time property.

  • We've updated the endpoint for GET Users Audit by Role ID. The earliest possible start_date is January 1, 1900. The end_date can be at most one year after the start_date. If no end_date is provided, then the current date is the end_date by default. If an end_date is provided but a start_date isn't, then the start_date is 7 days before the end_date by default.

We archived the changelog for 2021.

News SKY Developer Announcements 01/12/2022 1:14pm EST

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