Updates For School API - September 20 8616

Updates For School API - September 20



We've added two new endpoints, GET Events categories and GET Degrees Student Degrees by ID.

GET Events categories returns a collection of event categories and accepts one optional parameter, page. To get all event categories, paginate through the results; call the endpoint, and then check the next_page property returned in the response. If next_page is defined, continue to make requests using the value of next_page until the value of next_page is undefined.

GET Degrees Student Degrees by ID returns a collection of degrees/diplomas assigned to the student based on the required student_id request parameter. Each degree/diploma has a collection of majors, minors, and/or concentrations as appropriate for that degree or diploma. This endpoint is in BETA. It may be removed or replaced with a 90-day deprecation period.

News SKY Developer Announcements 09/20/2022 3:24pm EDT

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