Updates For School API, OneRoster API - January 10 8827

Updates For School API, OneRoster API - January 10


January 10, 2023


OneRoster API

We've added a new gradeRange property to the metadata object for responses from the following endpoints: GET Orgs by ID, GET Orgs all, GET School by ID, and GET Schools all.

Regarding GET Orgs by ID and GET Orgs all, only orgs of type school are impacted by the change.

The value of metadata.gradeRange includes a comma-separated list of each grade level mapped under OneRoster Integration mappings in Education management.

January 1, 2023


School API

The following endpoints are deprecated as of January 1, 2023; please adopt the suggested replacement endpoints:

Calls to deprecated endpoints will produce a 410 Gone HTTP status code.

News SKY Developer Announcements 01/13/2023 4:13pm EST

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