A Tip Regarding Title Limitations In Advocacy Forms


To ensure successful delivery to Congressional web forms, Luminate Advocacy is required to offer a relatively limited set of 'title' options - but here's a simple code snippet to explain that to your constituents.

Even the best technology systems inherently reflect the times and biases of their creation. One such example of the latter can be seen in Congressional contact web forms: their attempt at completeness and standardization of biographical information results in a more rigid set of "titles" than those adopted by many Americans today. Which also means that Luminate Advocacy forms are required to match these options to ensure delivery to target recipients.

Some of our Advocacy clients have inquired about expanding the options, and rightly so, but in order to successfully deliver to these targets, only this subset of titles can be accepted. So at the very least, it's a nice touch for our client organizations to acknowledge this when the issue is one that's important to their constituents. Which is why we wanted to point out the simple but brilliant approach developed by Sarah Laundenslayer at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. By adding a tooltip to the title field, the values of the organization and its supporters can be acknowledged.
Here's a sample of what they did: https://secure.ppaction.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=21437


For those who might be looking to implement something like this, Sarah employed Osvaldas Valutis's responsive tooltip solution, documented here: https://osvaldas.info/elegant-css-and-jquery-tooltip-responsive-mobile-friendly
You might need to adapt the following code to fit your specific Pagewrapper, but the basic jQuery code used by Planned Parenthood can be seen here:

var title_select = $('.field-wrap select#title')
       if([[S80:isMobile]] == 1) {
           $(".req-legend").append("<abbr id=\"q-mobile\" title=\"Congress requires the 'title' field. Planned Parenthood understands that these options do not reflect the full spectrum of gender identities.\" rel=\"tooltip\">?</abbr>");
       else {
           $("label[for=\"title\"]").append("<abbr id=\"q-desktop\" title=\"Congress requires the 'title' field. Planned Parenthood understands that these options do not reflect the full spectrum of gender identities.\" rel=\"tooltip\">?</abbr>");
Again, special shout-out to Sarah for the tip - and feel free to share any creative adaptations of this on your own Advocacy pages with the Community!

News Luminate Advocacy News 05/05/2017 11:57am EDT

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