New Advocacy Tool Kit: Social Share And Donate 4667

New Advocacy Tool Kit: Social Share And Donate

A crucial part of engaging your supporters is giving them something thoughtful and relevant to do next… especially while there’s momentum! Our latest Responsive Advocacy Kit shows you how to create “a share on social and donate form to drive more action in your advocacy alerts. 


We love this new move so much we even highlighted how the Humane Society of the United States customized this form in the Grassroots Galvanizer Guide: A Playbook to Fundraise, Organize, Mobilize and Influence.


How it works: After taking an advocacy action, supporters see a custom confirmation/thank you page with several more calls to action, including a donation form. Additional calls to action include social media sharing on Facebook and Twitter along with a Tell-A-Friend button. The one-step conversion from advocate to donor also increases likelihood of conversion.

So by linking completed advocacy forms to a donation form with a prominent social share – the Humane Society of the United States is able to strike while the iron is hot – when someone is most engaged.

Download the new Responsive Advocacy Kit with Social Share and Donate Form... let us know how it goes too!

News Luminate Advocacy News 05/08/2018 4:37pm EDT

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