Having Issues Signing Into Blackbaud ID On Internet Explorer 11? Check Your Browser's Security Settings 5539

Having Issues Signing Into Blackbaud ID On Internet Explorer 11? Check Your Browser's Security Settings


e628c178f14cf924e8def8cb4438ca92-huge-ieSimilar to the earlier post about Google Chrome, you may experience an issue when you sign in to your Blackbaud ID or Blackbaud solution on Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. If you're prompted to sign in again and again, or if you encounter a Sorry, something went wrong error, adjust your browser's security settings.

1. In Internet Explorer 11, select Tools (the cog), Internet options.
2. On the Security tab, select Custom level...
3. Under Miscellaneous, for Access data sources across domains, select Disable.
4. Select OK and OK.

If you continue to experience this or another issue, please contact Blackbaud Support so we can look into it. Thanks!
News Organizational Best Practices Blog 04/01/2019 1:28pm EDT

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Good to know! Always helpful to have these tips/troubleshooting notes.
Hi all, We finally just had to move to Chrome because receipt printing is vital to our front desk staff. Thank you,
thank you
Thank you.
Thanks for this!!!
