What's the Matter? 5912

What's the Matter?

Marketing is the matter; rather, marketing really matters. Everyone would agree with that. According to J. Walker Smith, president of the marketing firm Yankelovich, Inc., “We’ve gone from being exposed to about 500 ads a day (back in the 1970s) to as many as 5,000 ads a day today.” Our brains are bombarded with input and stimuli. A necessary evil? Perhaps. But most modern social good organizations realize they must play the game if they want to get ahead.

Why? Because there are more people, more products, more organizations, and more competition. Nonprofits must hustle to stand out among the hundreds of organizations like theirs. If you want to sell a product, gain a supporter, generate some buzz, or make a splash in the market, you must work for it.

Don’t know where to start? Our new and improved class Organizational Best Practices: Basics of Marketing can help. Learn about types of marketing, statistics and research, effective branding, using personas, targeting your audience, crafting mission and vision statements, designing a welcome series, and leveraging social media. Start your marketing makeover and sign up today!
News Organizational Best Practices Blog 07/29/2019 3:53pm EDT

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Very informative.  We are rethinking how we reach out to our very select audience. I will check out the class. Thank you!
Joan Perry Joan Perry Aug '19
Have to check the class out. Always intrigued from the "behind the scenes" point of view when I remember something funny (or memorable) about an ad...but couldn't tell you what the ad was actually for - of course with some much stimuli today good to know how to be truly memorable.
